I am so glad many students came to Chat Club, especially from Elementary B. How was Chat Club? Was it helpful to practice conversation. Did you make any friends? Please feel free to write anything about your experience at Chat Club.
We also sung a song うさぎ related to Moonviewing (つきみ) together. Did you like the song?
I loved singing the song the best.
I sang with my soul.
First I sang la,la,la, then I sang le,le,le, next was a melodious li,li,li, my favorite was my lo,lo,lo, and then to make everyone happy we finished with a lu,lu,lu.
Life is Good,
Hahahaha! That's my back in that photo! I like it, I should wear my hair like that again. ^_^
Chat Club was a lot of fun and I definitely think I'll go this Friday too. It was nice to talk to Japanese people who aren't Nazikian-sensei or Satou-sensei - we talked about our hobbies and Japanese dramas and celebrities. There's also Japanese snacks - I had something chocolate that was shaped like a cute little mushroom?
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