Thursday, December 6, 2007

あきがっきも おわりですね


みなさん,もうあきがっき (semester) もおわりですね。みんな9月にぜんぜん日本語がわかりませんでしたが,今じょうずですよ!みんなのポッドキャストとはなすしけんにとてもかんどうしました(moved)。




Tuesday, November 27, 2007

ちょさくけん (Copyright)


To learn more about copyright, please check:

Sunday, November 25, 2007

ポッドキャストプロジェクトとブログ/You Tube

If you would like to post your podcast or videocast on your blog or You Tube, please do so! More people can listen or watch your work and they can even leave comments about your work.

I am looking forward to listening/watching your final podcast!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


This week we talk about にほんのたべもの in class. Today's theme was やきます (grill, bake, barbeque etc.). I was amazed many of us know a lot about にほんのたべもの with やき。


Sunday, November 11, 2007




Monday, November 5, 2007




112ちょうめと113 ちょうめのあいだにおいしいアイスクリームのみせ,ピンクベリーがあります。みなさんはもういきましたか?わたしはまだです。どのフレーバーがおいしいですか?

コロンビアのちかくでみなさんの好きなみせはどこですか?おいしいたべものはなんですか?おしえてください(Please tell us!)。

Tuesday, October 23, 2007



New York Main Store
1073 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10018


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

ニート, ひきこもり

Today we talked about ニート(NEET: Not in Education, employment, or Training) and ひきこもり. For more information: ひきこもり

Saturday, October 13, 2007



I am so glad many students came to Chat Club, especially from Elementary B. How was Chat Club? Was it helpful to practice conversation. Did you make any friends? Please feel free to write anything about your experience at Chat Club.

We also sung a song うさぎ related to Moonviewing (つきみ) together. Did you like the song?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

ポッドキャスティングプロジェクト したがき (draft) はっぴょう (presentation):Elementary Japanese B

ポッドキャストプロジェクトしたがきはっぴょう (draft presentation) のスケジュールです。

1) スクリプトをかきます。
2) スクリプトをタイプします。
3) ビデオをとります。
4) へんしゅう (edit) します。
5) クラスでクラスメートとせんせいにビデオをみせます。
6) せんせいにてんぷ (attachment) でスクリプトをおくります。

10がつ18にち ティン,ダン,文(ぶんエリカ)
23にち アリシ,セホ,ブライアン K.
25にち ドニエッタ,ブラマー
30にち イアン,ジェレミー,ブライアン C.
11がつ8にち トレバー,マイケル,ニール

12がつ27にち なおした (revised) ポッドキャストをだしてください。
*せんせいにてんぷ (attachment) でスクリプトをおくります。

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

にほんのやすみ (Japanese holidays)

There are so many holidays in Japan. If you would like to know more, click here.

My favorite is おしょうがつ. おしょうがつのたべものはおいしいです。きれいですね。


けんこくきねんのひ has an interesting hostory (れきし).

The closest holiday is たいいくのひ (Sports Day). This holiday used to be じゅうがつとおか. じゅうがつとおかにうんどうかい (Sport Festival) をしました。

(Source: wikipedia)

Which is your favorite Japanese holiday?


I posted about かんじ before, but only one student left a comment....

There are so many Kanji self-study books. I recommend you go to Kinokuniya Bookstore, examine books there, and choose the one you like. (Everybody's learning style is different, so there's no perfect Kanji book to suit evrybody's needs.) It might be a good idea to study Kanji for the Japanese Proficiency Exam (Level 3).


I know some students are interested in Kanji:


いいオンラインのじしょをしっています(= know)か?If you know, please let us know. We are looking for dictionaries especially for beginners. おねがいします!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

ぶんか (Culture): How Can We Incorporate Culture into Japanese Language Class?

I noticed that many of you are interested in not only language but also culture, but how can we incorporate culture into the Japanese language classroom? Do you have any suggestions?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

いいブログはどんなブログですか? (First-Year Section 3&4)

What constitutes a good blog? Here is the summary:

• Interesting
• Humrous
• funny
• Fun
• Enjoyable
• Witty
• Insightful
• Seriousness
• Honest
• Trustful
• Engaging
• Creative
• Enthusiastic
• Conversational
• Useful
• Learning Japanese or in Japanese
• Easy to read
• Concise Uniqueness
• Thoughts
• Feelings
• Perspectives
• Opinion
• Express oneself
• Show personality and character
• Process of growth
• Personal life and experience

For Writers
• Meaningful
• Informative
• Personal

• Real
• Variation
• Informative
• Grammar
• Good writing Format

• Font
• Color
• Design
• Pictures
• Videos
• Music
• Graphic

Based on these categories your own blogs and those of your classmates’ will be evaluated at the end of semester.

Friday, September 28, 2007



1) You will have the chance to actively express your opinions to a real Japanese audience
2) You will have the chance to consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information

The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university - and also your classmates, of course

We will create radio/TV programs about life at Columbia University or New York City

1) Discuss what constitutes a good podcast (radio or TV program)
2) Everyone will decide on the categories that we will use to critique our own and each other’s podcasts
3) Keeping #1 in mind, we will form groups of 2-3 people and create podcasting scripts. The shows will be in the form of interviews. Everyone will write scripts that should be of interest to a Japanese university student curious about life at an American university
4) We practice reading the scripts in a natural manner. (If it is necessary, students should memorize their scripts. The point is that the scripts must NOT sound stilted and unnatural)
5) Record the podcasts (We will be using “Wimba,” which is on Courseworks)
6) Listen to your classmates’ podcasts and make comments. (Examples: Grammar mistakes; Boring; etc.)
7) Correct and improve the scripts
8) Record a second time
9) We post the podcasts online, and allow a worldwide audience to listen
10) Listen to the podcasts created by you and your classmates; critique them

漢字(かんじ)(Elementary A, B, and First-year Japanese)


I noticed that many of you showed interests in 漢字(かんじ). As you may know, Japanese children spend twelve years to study かんじ, so the sooner you start learning かんじ, the better. You do not need to wait until we introduce かんじ. Memorizing かんじfor reproduction is not easy, but recognition is not that challenging. Your primary goal is 2000!

If you know any good books or online resource to study かんじ,please let us know. I will ask 2nd and 3rd year students about the same questions. They might give us some advice to study かんじ.

If many of you are interested, I am thinking about opening かんじdiscussion google group. Please let me know if you are interested.


Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Emoticon (Elementary Japanese A)

Have you every compared English emoticon with Japanese one?


どんなポッドキャストがいいポッドキャストですか? (Elementary B)




Your comments will serve as a guideline for you at the end of the semester when your own podcasts and those of your classmates’ will be evaluated.

2)とうきょうのだいがくせいのポッドキャストをききます。みなさんはとうきょうのだいがくせいのせいかつのどんなことがききたい(want to hear)ですか?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

ウォシュレットとせんとう (Elementary B)

(Source: wikipedia)

This is what I talked about in class: ウォシュレット. Have you ever used it before?

Can you tell the difference between
せんとう(Public bath),
おふろ (bathroom, bathtub)
おんせん (hot spring)

Now I really want to go to おんせん!

こじんもくひょう (Individual Goals) for Elementary B

In addition to participation in typical classroom activities and exercises, students are also asked to set individuals goals and work towards them throughout the semester (these goals may be changed during the course of the semester). Students shall meet with their instructor 2 to 3 times during the semester to discuss their progress in achieving their goals and, at the end of the semester, to assess whether and to what extent these goals have been achieved. For this purpose, students should maintain a blog that tracks their progress and allows others to see the changes that have taken place. Students with similar goals may choose to study and work together.

In order to pinpoint your individual goals, please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge and in as much details as possible:

1. What are your reasons for studying the Japanese language? (long-term goals)

2. In order to achieve your goal(s), what do you hope to achieve this semester?

3. To achieve what you wrote in #2, what do you plan to do during this semester? Please be as specific as possible.

Once you have answered these questions, please make an appointment with your instructor to go over them at your earliest convenience. (This should not take more than 5 minutes and can be done after class)

What is a good blog? (1st-year Japapanese Section 3&4)


I would like all of you to tell me what constitutes a good blog? Please give your thoughts in the form of a comment to this post (not as a new post to your own blog) by Monday.

Your comments will serve as a guideline for you at the end of the semester when your own blogs and those of your classmates’ will be evaluated.


Tuesday, September 18, 2007




If you know useful (or interesting) websites for Japanese learning, please let us know!

Monday, September 17, 2007


うえをむいてあるこうのオリジナル(original)です。Now we can go to カラオケ(Karaoke)!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

えんか (Elementary Japanese B)

Today we talked about えんか a little bit in class. What is えんか?えんかのリンクです。

ゆうめいなえんかのYou Tubeです。



Yano, Christine (2002). Tears of Longing: Nostalgia and the Nation in Japanese Popular Song. Cambridge: Harvard East Asia Center. Harvard University Press.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Blogging Project:

Welcome to the Blogging Project! For this class I would like you to keep a blog because it provides a place:

1) To share/express your happiness, surprise, excitement, and/or frustration, as well as any questions you might have, while learning the Japanese language (or any other topics).

While studying new grammar and words is very important when learning a language, it is equally important to actually use the language in a real life context. You must not wait to express yourself only when you think you have mastered the language because language learning is basically an ongoing process. In the beginning you may use English or any languages to express yourself, but I recommend that you gradually switch to Japanese whenever you feel comfortable enough to express yourself in Japanese.

2) To communicate with your classmates and other people outside of class.

Language learning is not limited to what you do for the course but also includes what you do and experience outside the class. For this project I will ask you to form a group with two or three students. The purpose of the group is to encourage and monitor each other (e.g., leaving a comment on each other’s blog and making sure everyone is following the schedule). I will ask you to change groups once or twice during the semester.

I will also create links to your classmates' blogs as well as blogs by students in other sections, other levels, and other schools, so you can see what other people think and feel about Japanese language learning (as well as other topics). You are also encouraged to leave comments on these blogs.

3) To reflect (or evaluate) what you have done so far.

Sometimes it is challenging to see our own progress or growth. Blogs help you to look back and see how you have changed through the course of your Japanese language learning.

(How to Open a Blog Account)
In order to open a new blog account, please follow the instructions. If you have any technical questions (how to open a blog, how to type in Japanese, etc.), please send an e-mail to

1) Go to to create your blog.
* In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Settings," then "Comments," and choose "Anyone" under the "Who can comment" section.
*If you want to know how to type Japanese, please click the link listed on the right side.

2) Send your blog address to the instructor (
*If you have trouble opening a new account, please let me know.
*If you already have a blog and you can use Japanese on it, you do not have to open a new account.

3) Post a blog entry once a week.
* If you have no idea about what to write, please see the following suggested topics.

I can read Japanese!
In speaking Japanese!
Reasons I am studying Japanese
My dream
My Japanese friends
Japanese grammar vs. English grammar
Speaking vs. Writing
Listening vs. Reading
My daily schedule
I have no time to study!
I spent so much time studying, but..
My hobbies
My classmates
What I like/dislike about Japan or Japanese
Daily news
Japanese writing system
Japanese vocabulary
Favorite lab exercise
Voc quiz
My favorite Japanese TV show, movie, or anime

You can also use pictures!

In the end of the semester your blog will be evaluated by the instructor, your classmates as well as yourself. We will discuss the criteria of evaluation in the middle of the semester.